Douglas Paul Leibbrandt's Coat Of Arms

South African Leibbrandt Family Tree

Descendants of A54

Pieter Ulrich
born: 1821
died: 1878/06/09 Cape Town
lived: ±57 years
A wine merchant in Cape Town. Resided and died at 65 Beir(?) Street. A wealthy man, died with a large estate both 'movable and immovable'. Mayor of Cape Town 1875-1876
ID: A54



Elisabeth Maria Fredrika Tromp
1.Maria Wilhelmina
born: 1844
ID: A541
2.Alida Johanna
born: 1846
ID: A542
John Saunders
3.Johannes Tromp
born: 1848
died: 1868
lived: ±20 years
ID: A543
4.Elisabeth Maria
born: 1850
ID: A544
Anna Maria Davina De Waal
born: 1833
died: 1899
lived: ±66 years

1.David Johannes de Vaal
born: 1858 Cape Town
died: 1891/11/18 Cape Town
lived: ±33 years
A wine and spirit merchant. Died young (33 yrs). Resided at Hill Road Green Point, Cape Town.
ID: A545
Josina Christina Lindenberg
died: 1938
1.1.Elm Susanne
born: 1880
ID: A5451
Claude Johnson
born: 1878
1.2.Anna Linda
born: 1882
ID: A5452
Christiaan Hendrik Bösenberg
born: 1880
1.3.Suisette Ulria
born: 1884
ID: A5453
Sidney Scarrell Cape
born: 1882
1.4.Gitilda Leonie
born: 1886
ID: A5454
1.5.Hubert Pieter de Vaal
born: 1888
died: 1956 Pretoria
lived: ±68 years
Hubert died at 533 Jorrison Street Sunnyside Pretoria, age 68yrs and 8months.
ID: A5455
Daphne Thekla Idolla De Villiers
born: 1890
died: 1960
lived: ±70 years
married: Pretoria
1.5.1.Roswald Thekla
born: 1910
ID: A54551
Terry Collard
A champion swimmer
1.5.2.Yvonne Louise
born: 1912
ID: A54552
Hall Hughey
1.5.3.Hubert de Villiers de Vaal
born: 1914
ID: A54553
Ansie Leibbrandt
Another Leibbrandt – no info.
1.6.Roswald de Vaal
born: 1890
ID: A5456
Alida Linnenkamp
born: 1914
ID: A54561
Willem Kruger
From this union 2 children: Walda & Andries Hendrik.
2.Elisabeth Margaret
born: 1860
ID: A546
Thomas M Crowe
3.Johann Sebastiaan
born: 1862
died: 1891
lived: ±29 years
ID: A547
Emily Anne Boraine
born: 1863
died: 1926
lived: ±63 years
3.1.Johann Sebastiaan
born: 1884
died: 1901
lived: ±17 years
ID: A5471
born: 1885
died: 1962
lived: ±77 years
ID: A5472
Emmerline Hesketh
married: 1896
3.2.1.Dennis Russel
born: 1920
died: 1981
lived: ±61 years
ID: A54721
Phyllis Ida Johnson
born: 1922
died: 1962 Pietermaritzburg
lived: ±40 years
married: Pietermaritzburg
Died at Fairview Cottage 20 Oribi Rd PMB the residence of her parents, father GE, and mother M JOHNSON.
3.2.2.Daphne Margaret
born: 1919
ID: A54722
George Bruyns
3.2.3.Maureen Phyllis
born: 1930
ID: A54723
Darroll Smith
born: 1926
Mentioned in the biography of V M P Leibbrandt, Pretoria archives. Darroll a man of many parts. A Major in the Police Reserve, skilled self trained artisan, inventor of diving apparatus.
3.3.Pieter Ulrich
born: 1886
died: 1918 France
lived: ±32 years
Died in the 1914 - 1918 war in France. A letter to Mrs. E Leibbrandt P 0 Box666, Cape Town informing her that her husband No.14903 Pieter Ulrich 2/SAI had been killed, is in the Bloemfontein archives.
ID: A5473
Evelyn Wilson
born: 1887
died: 1888
lived: ±1 years
ID: A5474a
born: 1887
died: 1888
lived: ±1 years
ID: A5474b
born: 1889
died: 1931
lived: ±42 years
ID: A5475
Doris Ventone Wright
3.6.1.Doris Boraine
born: 1919
ID: A54751
George Mc Fall
3.6.2.Eric Leslie
born: 1921
died: 1946/11/11
lived: ±25 years
ID: A54752
3.6.3.Joan Nola
born: 1923
ID: A54753
Edwin Godden
3.7.Daphne Boraine
born: 1890
ID: A5476
Bertie Leonard Teague
born: 1891
died: 1952 Harrismith OFS
lived: ±61 years
Allen was a wholesale stores manager.
ID: A5477
Susan Muriel Louw
born: 1858
died: 1943
lived: ±85 years
Father Isaac Johannes Jacobus LOUW died at the age of 98 (a farmer). Mother was Sophia McLeish
3.8.1.Muriel Joyce
born: 1922
ID: A54771
Ronald James Firbank
3.8.2.Allen Kenneth
born: 1930
ID: A54772
Joan Yunnie
born: 1933
died: 1991
lived: ±58 years
3.8.3.Shirley Dawn
born: 1936
ID: A54773
4.Pieter Ulrich
born: 1864
died: 1934/06/02 Pretoria
lived: ±70 years
A civil servant in the deeds office. Applied for citizens papers of the Transvaal 20 Nov. 1894. Death notice signed by his daughter A C RUSH. Died at home 'Chantihly' 30 Minni Street Arcadia.
ID: A548
Pearly Eugenie Bataillou
married: 1901/09/26 Cape Town
4.1.Lucelle Marais
born: 1890
died: 1932
lived: ±42 years
ID: A5481
Ian Reginald Vermoten
4.2.Anna Celeste
born: 1900
ID: A5482
James Duncan C Archibald
died: 1927
William Rolande Gerrard Rush
4.3.Valerie Marais
born: 1910
ID: A5483
Wilfred Couch Beale
born: 1886
died: 1941/02/08
lived: ±55 years
Father:George BEALE. *c1856 Mother:Mary Ann BEALE. *c1858. Children: George Abraham Spurner *c1928, Ernest Duqmore *c1930, Violet Gertrude *c1932, Stella Mary *c1934. Lived at 1069 Church St, Pretoria
born: 1915
ID: A5484
Rex Brink
4.5.Pieter Ulrich
born: 1918/02/20
ID: A5485
Elaine Louise Broli
4.5.1.Pieter Ulrich
born: 1944
ID: A54851
4.5.2.Bernhard Ulrich
born: 1946
ID: A54852
4.5.3.Pierre Ulrich
born: 1948
ID: A54853
5.Anna Maria Davina
born: 1865
ID: A549
Thomas Edward Lawton
6.Maria Magdalena Wilhelmina
born: 1867
died: 1947
lived: ±80 years
ID: A54A
Johan Friedrich Bernhard Rissik
born: 1857
died: 1925
lived: ±68 years
7.Johannes Hendricus
born: 1869
died: 1943
lived: ±74 years
ID: A54B
Martha Elizabeth Minaar
born: 1868
died: 1942
lived: ±74 years
7.1.Martha Elizabeth
born: 1891
ID: A54B1
Jacob Casper Smit
7.2.Anna Davina de Waal
born: 1895
ID: A54B2
Henry Schaper
7.3.Johannes Hendricus
born: 1905/02/02
died: 1989/02/24 Parrow, Cape Town
lived: ±84 years
ID: A54B3
Gertruida Sophia Johanna Carstens
Death notice signed by lawyers Smit Kruger and Potgieter.
7.3.1.Johannes Hendricus
born: 1929
ID: A54B31
7.3.2.Mathilde Johanna
born: 1931
ID: A54B32
Henning Horst Schulz
His parents immigrated to SA from Germany with their children, including Henning, after the 2nd world war, during the 1950s. Children: Edgar (residing in Germany) and Chantelle.
7.3.3.Jacobus Everhadus
born: 1932
Deceased, unknown year.
ID: A54B33
7.3.4.Martha Jacoba Elizabeth
born: 1935
Deceased, unknown year.
ID: A54B34
7.3.5.Pieter Ulrich
born: 1936
died: 1942
lived: ±6 years
Drowned in a farm dam with his brother Dirk.
ID: A54B35
7.3.6.Dirk Jacobus
born: 1937
died: 1942
lived: ±5 years
Drowned in a farm dam with his brother Pieter.
ID: A54B36
8.Johanna Alida
born: 1870
died: 1942
lived: ±72 years
ID: A54C
Philip Albertus Myberg
died: 1939
9.Bertha Hendritte
born: 1875
died: 1901
lived: ±26 years
ID: A54D

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