Douglas Paul Leibbrandt's Coat Of Arms

South African Leibbrandt Family Tree

Descendants of C1232

John Percival Muller
born: 1871
died: 1923 Auckland Park, Johannesburg
lived: ±52 years
Worked a Okiep Copper mine northern Cape, where he met Jean Lily TOWNSEND. Moved to Cape Town where he was the manager of the South Arm Docks. Later moved to Johannesburg where he was a partner in Osch and Co. His first family would not accept the second wife, and they believed 'Percy' committed suicide due to his wife running up bad debts. Lived in 153a Quartz Street, Hillbrow. Died in a house in Richmond Ave. Buried with his first wife in Auckland Park cemetery.
ID: C1232


Jean Lily Townsend
born: 1875
died: 1917
lived: ±42 years
17th child of George Seaborn and Sara Payne TOWNSEND, died in the 'flu' epidemic of 1917

1.Percival Fred
born: 1895
died: 1975
lived: ±80 years
Mine Surveyor and very competent Mine Manager. Served in the Gunners 1914-1918 war, SW Africa and East Africa. Good musician with sometimes strange habits. Good marksman, Elephant hunter. Biography of ‘My Dad’ by [C123222] Douglas Paul (his nephew) gives a greater overview.
ID: C12321

Doris Pricilla Reid
1.1.Peter Val
born: 1928
died: 1990
lived: ±62 years
ID: C123211
Lorna Carter
born: 1951
1.1.1.Clifford Peter
born: 1952
ID: C1232111
Christine Vinjevold
married: 1976
born: 1954
ID: C1232112
John Liversage
married: 1987
born: 1959
ID: C1232113
Shirley Creighton
married: 1959
1.2.Robin Victor
born: 1933
died: 1976
lived: ±43 years
Died as a bachelor.
ID: C123212
Mary Elizabeth Brerton
2.Douglas Herbert
born: 1897
died: 1982
lived: ±85 years
A biography of Douglas is in the Pretoria Archives. An Electrical/Mechanical Engineer graduate of School of Mines, (before Wits University established), Chief Electrical Engineer S.A.R. 1939, responsible for a large section of Electric Train system in S.A.
ID: C12322

Violet Louisa "Vera" Patterson
born: 1891 Scotland
died: 1951
lived: ±60 years
married: 1923/06/30
Formerly JONES. Daughter of colonial James Joseph Benjamin Patterson and Winifred WOOD. First husband, (divorced, a Mr. Jones ) had three daughters, Forna a Nursing Sister and matron Baragwanath Hospital, Verdell married Hans WECHSLER, and Barbara married Hugh LITTLETON.

2.1.Victor Sydney
born: 1924/09/09
died: 2014/10/04
lived: ±90 years
Doctor (M.B. B.Ch Wits), Farmer, Engineer, Philosopher. Resided in Swaziland.
ID: C123221

FlagSZ Swazi line
2.2.Douglas Paul
born: 1927/03/31 Wynberg, CT
died: 2017/03/12 Howick, KZN
lived: ±90 years
MSc (cum laude) + PhD (Mechanical Engineering, University of Natal - Durban). Major compiler of this family tree.
ID: C123222

Personal history
Yvonne Mabel Kruger
born: 1929/08/02 Kinross, Transvaal
married: 1949/07/09
divorced: 1960
remarried: 1966/04/30
Daughter of Daniel Francois KRUGER born 1/11/1896 died 1952/04/21 (son of Jacobus Alwyn KRUGER 1873 died 1964) and Amy Louise Mabel VON ALBACH born 1903 died 1948.

Kruger family tree
2.2.1.Bruce Douglas
born: 1950/07/17 Barberton
Photolithographer, Therapeutic Massage Therapist, residing in USA
ID: C1232221

Maureen Cubitt
born: 1952/08/22
Jenny Jacobson
born: 1964/01/06
Barbara Paddon
born: 1956/06/01
Sally Wilcox
born: 1960/01/26

2.2.2.Steven Richard
born: 1952/02/02 Barberton
BSc., MSc. (University of Natal, Durban). Electrical Engineer, residing in Germany and USA.
ID: C1232222

living Metz

2.2.3.David John
born: 1953/10/08 Barberton
Motor mechanic. Residing in Australia.
ID: C1232223

Valerie Cheryl Walters
born: 1955/04/08

2.2.4.Gary Colin
born: 1954/11/08 Barberton
BSc. (University of Natal, Durban), MBA. Mechanical Engineer.
ID: C1232224

Elize Van Huyssteen
born: 1957/06/09

2.2.5.Peter Allan
born: 1956/06/19 Barberton
B Comm. (Economics, University of Natal, Durban), Software Developer, artist, musician. Lived in South Africa, New Zealand and the UK. Mission in life is to live as wisely and healthily as possible. Webmaster for this site. Officially changed his surname to the shortened form "Brand" in 1995.
ID: C1232225

Leonie Strydom
born: 1949/04/21
married: 1979
divorced: 1982
B Chem. (Stellenbosch). Second husband Charles Hopper (also a Chemist), with one son Thomas.

Pamela Phyllis Hopf
born: 1941/05/22
died: 2020/12/27 Durban
lived: ±79 years
married: 1960
divorced: 1965
Second husband Allan Hurst. Died of a heart attack following minor medical procedure in Westville Hospital.

2.2.1.Shaun Philip
born: 1962/05/30 Durban
died: 2021/05/16 Durban
lived: ±59 years
Struggled throughout his life with brain injury at birth. Further brain injury from a traffic accident in 2010. Died of haemorrhage to the brain. Despite his hardships, remained of good humor and pleasant disposition throughout his life.
ID: C1232226
3.Sydney George David
born: 1899
died: 1968
lived: ±69 years
A CIS administrator of ESCOM. A very kind man, loved dogs; also researched the LEIBBRANDT family tree, with Agnes RISSIEK. Troubled by and died of psychosomatic asthma. His wife ran the house (and George).
ID: C12323

Martha Eleanor Gouldie
born: 1929
ID: C123231
Alexander Konstantin Von Memerty
born: 1931
died: 1995
lived: ±64 years
ID: C123232
Robin Norris
born: 1960/11/08
ID: C1232321
Terence Paul Denis Everson
married: 1980
David Paul (1987/03/12) Sara Jayne (1989/11/13)
born: 1963/03/11
ID: C1232322
Richard Jeremy Thomas
born: 1954
married: 1983
Steven (1985/04/12)
Robert Gordon Alexander Gardiner
married: 1991
Duncan Gordon, and Jeremy Raymond. Twins. (1992/08/12)
born: 1971/01/07
ID: C1232323
Marc Rudolf Kruger
Heather-Rose. (2/07/1993)
4.Freda Magdalena
born: 1900
ID: C12324

Cyril Geldart
5.Audrey Blanche
born: 1902
died: 1948
lived: ±46 years
ID: C12325

6.Victor Muller Payne
born: 1904
Biography Pretoria Archives. A Lawyer and Magistrate.
ID: C12326

Constance Grace Davies
born: 1911
married: 1933
of Welsh parents, a Lady of distinction

6.1.Owen Victor
born: 1934
successful businessman
ID: C123261

Beryl Bradfield
married: 1960

born: 1961
ID: C1232611
Herman Golach
married: 1991/04/07
They have three children: Taylor Leigh Golach born on the 16th January 1992, David Owen Golach on the 21st May 1993 and Alexandra Lynne Golach on the 10th November 1994
born: 1962
ID: C1232612
Peter Graham
married: 1982
Three children Lori Graham, Kelly Graham and Brett Peter Graham
born: 1964
ID: C1232613
Lauren Peck
6.2.Shirley Jean
born: 1936
prominent teacher and administrator in Schooling
ID: C123262

Michael Stiles
married: 1959
Professor at Edmonton University. Living in Edmonton, Canada with 5 children; Jeanie, Janet, Michael, Sally and Roland (adopted)

7.Jean Hester
born: 1906
died: 1956
lived: ±50 years
ID: C12327

Ronald Sutherland
8.Hugh Maxwell
born: 1910
died: 1910
ID: C12328
9.Marie Maud "Billie"
born: 1911
ID: C12329

Edward Vernon Hulse
Dorothea Susanna Scheepers
born: 1888
died: 1981
lived: ±93 years
married: 1919
1.John Meyer
born: 1920
ID: C1232A
Nance Catherine Jones
married: 1943
born: 1943
ID: C1232A1
1.2.Leslie John
born: 1948
ID: C1232A2
Susan Hardwick
married: 1971
1.2.1.Dean Meyer
born: 1971
ID: C1232A21
Margaret McKendrick
married: 1976
born: 1979
ID: C1232A22
1.2.3.Leigh Ann
born: 1985
ID: C1232A23
2.Evelyn Johanna
born: 1922
died: 1944
lived: ±22 years
ID: C1232B

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