Douglas Paul Leibbrandt's Coat Of Arms

South African Leibbrandt Family Tree

Descendants of C1232225

Peter Allan
born: 1956/06/19 Barberton
B Comm. (Economics, University of Natal, Durban), Software Developer, artist, musician. Lived in South Africa, New Zealand and the UK. Mission in life is to live as wisely and healthily as possible. Webmaster for this site. Officially changed his surname to the shortened form "Brand" in 1995.
ID: C1232225


Leonie Strydom
born: 1949/04/21
married: 1979
divorced: 1982
B Chem. (Stellenbosch). Second husband Charles Hopper (also a Chemist), with one son Thomas.

born: 1980/08/30 Durban
Graphic artist and Web Developer.
ID: C12322251

Gordon Roberts
born: 1977/10/18
married: 2001/07/08
Sound Engineer. Three children: Daniel Joe *2000/06/21, Jesse Jon *2/12/2002 and Arthur James *2011/08/08

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