South African Leibbrandt Family Tree
References & Research Files
The following works were used in compiling the family presented here.
- All Archives and Master of the Supreme Court Records with any reference to a Leibbrandt. Archives, Cape, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Pietermaritzburg. Supreme Courts at the above and Grahamstown, Kimberley.
- Albany Museum and Cory Library Grahamstown
- Argief-Jaarboek vir Suid Afrikaanse Geskiedenis
- Personalia of the Germans at the Cape. Dr J Hoge
- Genealogies of old S A Families. De Villiers and Pama
- Précis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Rev. H C V Leibbrandt
- Under Lions Head by M. Murray. (A.A.Balkema 1964)
- The Historians History of the World. Volumes 7 and 9.
- A Profile of Two Million South Africans. A L J Venter.
Research Files
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