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Who we are

BrandRock Software creates custom-built computer application software for small to medium sized enterprises.

Packaged software VS custom-built solutions

Off-the-shelf software packages are designed mostly for large businesses. They tend to be expensive and bogged down with features not required by smaller businesses. In some cases no suitable software packages exist for small businesses operating in niche or novel markets. In the end, all too often small businesses have to shoehorn their procedures to fit a package and suffer the consequences.

BrandRock can custom-build the simplest, most effective, affordable application for your business to keep track of your critical data so that you provide the best products and services you can, in the most profitable way. We expect your needs will change as your business grows, so we don't treat our applications as a "final solution" and will tailor the applications as the need arises over the years.

The path from analysis through review and back again

Even if you are unsure what can be achieved or how to go about it, call us and let us see how we can help you make your business more efficient and profitable. We will do all the analysis and design, implement the system and train your staff how to use it. After a while we can review the system and make sure it keeps pace with your changing needs.

Where we are

Based in Betty's Bay, Overstrand, we are well placed to offer our services to enterprises in the Cape Town, Helderberg and Overstrand areas of South Africa. We are open to anywhere else in South Africa; the internet is global after all.


Check out our Track Record page for examples of the kind of work we do, our Products page featuring our main products, or visit our Contact Us page for our details.